Monday, February 8, 2010


I'm overly paranoid about Cooper eating food that isn't cut up. I've only had to dig in for food when he was choking once and it was enough to make me paranoid. We were at the grocery store the other day and had a clamshell of grape tomatoes. We usually put everything in the lower basket because little man LOVES to grab everything out of the cart and put in the seat next to him. Okay, I diverse....I am grabbing something off a shelf, Steve is at the deli. I look over and Mr. Grabby has gotten a hold of the tomatoes. They are falling out of the little holes in the cart and all over the floor. I want to get them as fast as I can so no one rolls over them and makes ketchup or worse, slips. I gather up a few and see Cooper chewing away. He got a hold of a tomato! I have only given him the tomatoes when they've been cut in 1/4ths (I know, paranoid!) He's got a handful and is putting them in one at a time and loving them!
So, I've gotten over my paranoia (a little) and he eats the tomatoes all the time. The face he makes when the juice bursts is great. A kind of "what the heck is that in my mouth" face. And he says tomato....

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