Monday, February 8, 2010


Have you ever really noticed how many letters you see in a day? Well, get a 20 month old who is learning his alphabet and you'll learn just how many letters you see!
Driving in the car hearing this sweet little voice "o, a, b, i, m" and I'm looking around to find the letters. The other day he saw them on a truck!
At Lowe's and he starts pointing at boxes with brand names on them saying the letters he sees. It's great!!
He learned F the other day. Want to know where he learned it? Word World!! It's Cooper's favorite show thanks to his cousin Zion telling him about it. Now he sees a T and calls it an F. Well, they really do look alike, don't they?
The best is when he says K. He says the sound the K makes (think the sound of K in keep). We don't always correct him because it's so cute when he says it!

The brain is working so much each day, it's no wonder he zonks out at night! Can you imagine what it must be like to have all this new information each day and how much your brain has to process at such a young age? It's great!

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