Monday, May 21, 2012


You are talking up a storm. Some of your favorite phrases:
-come on (insert name here) as you wave your hand or grab the person
-STOP IT! We love this because we have no idea where you learned to say this
-LEAVE ME ALONE! again, not sure where you got this
-Ready (you wait for us to say SET) GO!
-Stop! as you put your hand out to show stop. You do this when we are driving
-GO! again, when we are driving
-you have this laugh. This silly cackle where you show all of your teeth and smile with a wrinkly nose.
-I want down. I want up.
-Look at me.
-I'm meeeeee! when we ask you what your name is
-when we say: who's pretty, who's sweet, who's a good girl you say MEEEEEEE!
-you sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star with us and it's so sweet
-sometimes when you are trying to make a point, or tell us something sassy you put your pointer finger up and talk
-hmmmmm and then you put your finger by your mouth when you are thinking. Sometimes you roll your eyes up to your head

we love you and love hearing you talk.

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