Cooper is loving Nora. He sees her and his face lights up and the sweet, sweet way he says Nora and goes looking for her when he hears her crying.
He's incredibly gentle with her-rubs her hair and face. Sometimes he gets a little close to poking her eyes out, but all in all he's very gentle.
Hiiiii Nora. Hi. is what he says when he sees her. Nora, Nora is the other.
When she is crying he asks about her binky, but when we give it to her he rips it out of her mouth and says "no binky".
If Cooper can't see her face he makes it so he can by trying to roll her over or he moves so he can see her.
Still no kisses are being given....we'll take what we can get these days from big brother!
My favorite moment so far: A few mornings ago I was feeding Nora in her chair and we were relaxing after the bottle. Cooper woke up for the morning and he came to Nora's room. Proceeded to climb right up in the recliner with us and sat so sweetly. It was a picture perfect moment that I can't share except with words because it was not captured with the camera.
Okay, how long do you think Cooper will be this sweet to his baby sister?????
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