Monday, September 21, 2009

It's been a looooong time

Cooper is growing and changing so much and doing a ton of new things each day. He makes us laugh and we just sit and watch him. He is definitely opening up our eyes to the world around us and teaching us to appreciate the little things!!

Here are some updates. I promise to keep a better log. To write more of his stories and the experiences that bring smiles to our faces. We want to share them with you all and hope you enjoy living the joys of Cooper through our eyes.

The things he likes:
1. the trash can-he will pull trash out it. On the flip side...he did find some paper the other day and put the paper in the recycle bin (the proceeded to pick it out).
2. greeen beans-probably because he can pick them up and eat them
3. getting up the stairs a little bit and waiting for us to chase him-the sneaky laugh he gets when he sees that we see him and are about to go chasing after him gets us laughing hysterically!
4. his belly and other people's bellies-He struggles to see his own belly and works so hard to find his belly button. There have been times that Cooper tries to explore his and our bellies in public!! The mischevious little look he gets when he realizes you are in a good position for him to poke in your belly button is the best!!
5. dancing
6. closing the door. We've actually asked him to go close the door and he does.
7. hugging his animals. At the sitters, there is a baby doll that the little girl plays with. When I give him the doll he just throws it to the ground. It's like he knows not to play with dolls (not that there is anything wrong with boys and dolls at this age)

8. trying to get up on things and climbing down things. He was trying to climb up Steve's leg the other day. Mainly to get at his belly button, but still he was trying. He is very good at getting down on his belly and sliding down. Now we just wonder how long until he climbs out of the crib!
9. watching sid the science kid-it's a cute show and he'll stay entertained with it for a few minutes and then it'll catch his eye again. Sometimes he'll just come sit down on the pillows on the floor put his hands behind his head and is ready to relax with some tv.
10. blowing his nose-not that he can blow his nose, we use the suction thing. But he had a runny nose for a few days and we were constantly wiping it. Now he'll grab anything that resembles a Kleenex and blow. Very cute!
11. eat-still loves to eat! Cooper will go to his part of the pantry and pull out his snacks. Sometimes he'll just sit down on the floor and open the container. Has never spat his food out at us. He has a handful of times just opened his mouth and food comes out, but never spat it. He also does the sign for eat. When we go down the stairs in the morning he makes the eat sign.
12. mum mum is his word for food.
13. nana-at the sitters he will walk over to the fruit bowl and say nana for banana. His first real word and item association
14. all done-when he's finished eating he puts his hand out "all done" style. We think the other day he said the words, too.
15. dada-while I try not to get a complex, he does not say mama near as much. If he sees me he calls me dada. The smile I get is worth him not knowing my name
16. getting dressed-he can take off his pants and shirt and we are working on him putting his clothes on. He knows where the articles of clothing go, though. He's also been trying to put his shoes on...or anyone's shoes who are around.
17. animal sounds: monkey-when he goes in his bathroom of monkey-central he says EEEE. He also has a shirt with monkeys all over can only imagine what he does when he sees the shirt. Bumble bee-Steve taught him the buzzing sound of a bee stuffed animal he has. It's cute to hear that buzzz sound. We are working on snake and elephant
18. He still loves to see the buses and trucks. I must laugh 10 times on our commute each morning just because he gets so excited! you can only imagine how he is when I am parked behind the bus/truck!!
19. mr. personality-when he's not getting his way he definitely lets you know by making this face and a whiney noise. He's mastered the art of the fake cry. HOWEVER, he is very easy to distract and get him focused on something new.

I know I have left things out and will do so much better about writing the funny episodes. More to come soon..........

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