You are growing so fast. Just tonight I kept looking at your face and felt like it has changed over night. It's been a while since we've updated the new things you are doing.
A few weeks ago you had to have tubes placed in your ears and I truly think you are hearing better. You aren't much of a talker, but I am sure that will all change soon.
When you smile it takes over your whole face. The way your eyes scrunch up when you smile and the little gap in between your 2 front teeth is simply adorable.
You are an absolute Daddy's girl. Tonight you heard Daddy's voice (you were playing with me) and started crying because you couldn't see him. You instantly took off looking for Daddy and just sobbed until he came up the stairs. During the same night, you woke up a little while after you fell asleep. I was rubbing your back and you turned up to look at me. I am almost positive you looked at me and saw I was not Daddy and started crying. I love the connection you and Daddy have!
Speaking of your cry. It is intense! Loud and screeching-it is one that would make people run to your side if they didn't know it was your normal cry. You are truly dramatic with the crying...but we always run to your side to make sure you are okay and to get a little chuckle over the reason why you are crying.
Your hair.....oh it is such a beautiful mess. Daddy definitely can get your hair in a good ponytail. Not sure why Mommy can't but I'll be there to help you control the curl when you get older. Lately when we put a barrette, headband, ponytail holder you have it pulled out within a few minutes. We think you get great pleasure in watching us say "No, Nora. Keep it in!" Even Cooper tells you to leave the hair alone!! We feel so bad for you because if your hair isn't pulled back, then it is all in your eyes but you don't seem to mind.
You are getting so big and changing each day.