Saturday, December 12, 2009

2 months is a long time

So many new words this little guy is saying:
apple, called Grandpa Jim-papa, book, gorilla (our absolute favorite word because he says lallila and the tongue is the best!), color, no and nope, yes.
Hugs and kisses a plenty. The best is when he grabs your face for a kiss! Now how to get him to learn to pucker....
Blows kisses to EVERYONE when you say bye. Bye is "dye" and then kisses follow. The best is when he does it to strange men when we are out and about

He'll point to some things and demonstrate what it does to show what he wants. Okay, it's just his brush that he does that for, but he still shows us!
Listening very well to instructions: come here, go downstairs, go upstairs, go to Cooper's room, go to Mommy and Daddy's room, he'll get things we ask him to get, hand us things that we ask him to hand us.
When we ask where the baby is he lifts my shirt and kisses my belly. He also pokes the heck out of my belly button. The baby is going to get him back for that!!
At night when we get him ready for bed, Cooper will crawl up into his recliner to get a book read. He loves books!
Cooper and Steve have been taking swim lessons and they love it! Steve loves to tell me all about the things that Cooper did and how much fun he was at the pool. He's certainly grown to love the water and some of the activities they do they show me during tubby time.

Word World was introduced by Zion and Cooper LOVES it! He'll come to the tv room and say "Word World". He just started saying the word sheep because sheep is in the show. He laughs at funny parts.

This is my favorite stage right now. Cooper throws his tantrums and definitely gets mad about things, but it's not for long. The best was when he was mad at me for taking the dustbuster and putting it away. He was crying and mad but came up to hug my legs while he was so mad! He get over being mad pretty quickly, so that's good.

Santa Visit...almost

Well, you'd think Coop is off and driving with as long as it's taken to post...

We took Cooper to see Santa Friday night hoping it would be less busy. While the line was not bad, the set up was a disaster for us! The line was right next to the merry go round, and cars for the little kids. One look at that and Cooper was trying everything in his power to escape his stroller. We tried to turn the stroller to keep him from looking at the rides and he was too smart for that. The decision was to go ahead and eat dinner then do Santa after dinner. After walking the whole rest of the mall looking for the Chick-Fil-A that I promised was at this mall (turns out it was at another mall, but I could see it in my mind) we ate and did a little shopping.
We wanted to get some duffel bags, so we hit Sports Authority. Cooper was out of his stroller so he could walk a little...well he found a really nice bag he proceeded to carry all around the store. It was of those times we wished that we carried the Flip Cam with us. Sorry, it's a vision only we can see. But he just kept walking up and down the aisle with this bag. Anyway, we finished up and decided to head back to Santa. In the meantime, the crankiness set in (it was getting late and we were pushing our luck, we know). We tried to get Cooper in his stroller, but he wasn't having it. Then we tried walking with him and he proceeded to throw himself down on the floor (I forgot to mention that we passed the little kid ride area again). Poor Steve had to carry Coop all the way from one end of the mall to the other with the little angel yelling the whole way and fighing being held. We were those parents who had the screaming kid and all we could do was laugh! We got to the exit point where there were more kiddie rides (seriously, who designed this mall with all these rides everywhere???) and let Cooper sit on the rides while we got his coat on. He was the happiest kid on earth!!!
Needless to say, we decided that Sunday morning would be a better time to visit Santa.
At dinner tonight, Cooper did have his first dinner sitting in a booster seat instead of a highchair!

Letter to Cooper

Dear Cooper,
I am sorry that I don't keep up with the blog the way I should and want to. Everyday you do something that just makes your Daddy and I laugh and so proud of the way you are changing each day. We are taking many mental images, I just wish we were better and keeping track of it on your blog. The blog is not only for you family and friends that live far away, but serves as your "baby book" of tracking what you are doing as you grow.
I can't promise I'll do better at writing it down on your blog, but I'll sure try!

We love you so very much and the favorite part of our day is watching the world through your eyes.